What follows is from a draft abstract by Professors Idris Samawi Hamid and Abbas Mirakhor. See also this link: Academia.edu: Drafts: Abstract: Logical foundations of Islamic Economics This abstract, and the paper to follow – inshāAllāh – draw upon a current book project: Idris Samawi Hamid and Abbas Mirakhor (forthcoming), The Logical Foundations...
Read More“On the Road of My Love there is no final goal and no end”
The truth of the adorer (waliyy) of Allah always lies ahead: : This fact applies to the future life, the immediate dunyā, as well as the journey of the wayfarer to the True. Allah SWT says in a ḥadith qudsī: كُلَّمَا وَضَعْتُ لَهُمْ عِلْمًا رَفَعْتُ لَهُمْ حِلْماً وَ لَيْسَ...
Read MoreTowards an Islamic Phenomenology of Consciousness and Action: Part I
Below are some excerpt, draft paragraphs penned as part of an ongoing project to articulate an Islamic phenomenology of consciousness and action. See also the complementary series of draft philosophical...
Read MoreBook Review: The Economic System of the Early Islamic Period, by Seyed Kazem Sadr
Bismi Rabbi Shahri ʿĀshūrā (Ṣ) What follows is a draft book review by Professor Abbas Mirakhor, current holder of the INCEIF Chair in Islamic Finance, of Seyed Sadr's latest book; it is presented here with his encouragement and blessing. As needed, we will update this post with edits of this draft, as well as with further information about the...
Read MorePhilosophical Notes on an Islamic Phenomenology of Consciousness: Part II
UPDATE: September 10, 2016: Added a new paragraph: § 8.48.4 Below are paragraphs three through five of eight penned during the course of writing what is provisionally Chapter 8 of a current philosophical project. The first two may be found here: http://www.walayah.org/blog/philosophical-notes-on-an-islamic-phenomenology-of-consciousness-part-i In effect,...
Read MorePhilosophical Notes on an Islamic Phenomenology of Consciousness: Part I
Below are the first two of seven paragraphs penned during the course of writing what is provisionally Chapter 8 of a current philosophical project. In effect, these seven collectively constitute appendices to the main theme of the chapter: the development of an Islamic phenomenology and science of consciousness. Much of the content presumes earlier...
Read MoreMajor Arcs in the Philosophy of Shaykh Aḥmad III: Dialectical Metaphysics and the Project of Illuminationism.
It has been some time since posting our most recent installment, on objective logic and dialectics, in this seven-part series on the life, legacy, and philosophy of Shaykh Aḥmad Ibn Zayniddīn al-Aḥsāʾī. Things for this writer have been incredibly busy and it has taken much longer than expected to return to this. A number of readers also posted...
Read MoreMajor Arcs in the Philosophy of Shaykh Aḥmad II: Objective Logic and Dialectics
Following up upon our Preliminary Considerations, we have now reached the longest and most advanced installment in this series on the life, legacy, and philosophy of Shaykh Aḥmad Ibn Zayniddīn al-Aḥsāʾī. Contents of the seven parts of this series: Life, Travels, Character and Charisma Works: Opera Majora and Minora Legacy and Influence I:...
Read MoreMajor Arcs in the Philosophy of Shaykh Aḥmad I: Preliminary Considerations
In our previous installment we completed our survey of the life, works, and influence of Shaykh Aḥmad Ibn Zayniddīn al-Aḥsāʾī. We are now at the halfway point. The second half of our survey, consisting of the final three installments in this series, will focus on the philosophical foundations of the cosmology of the Shaykh. Contents of the seven...
Read MoreShaykh Aḥmad al-Aḥsāʾī: Part 3.ii – Shaykhism
This is Part Four of our seven-part series of reflections on the life, influence, and philosophical foundations of the cosmology of Shaykh Aḥmad Ibn Zayniddīn al-Aḥsāʾī. Here we focus on the phenomenon of Shaykhism. Contents of the seven parts of this series: Life, Travels, Character and Charisma Works: Opera Majora and Minora Legacy and...
Read MoreShaykh Aḥmad al-Aḥsāʾī: Part 3.i – Students, Close Disciples, Licensees, and Other Contemporaries
Here is Part Three of our seven-part series of reflections on the life, influence, and philosophical foundations of the cosmology of Shaykh Aḥmad Ibn Zayniddīn al-Aḥsāʾī. This post focuses on some of the prominent disciples, licensees, admirers, and select contemporaries of the Shaykh, including some of the Sufis. Contents of the seven parts of...
Read MoreShaykh Aḥmad al-Aḥsāʾī: Part 2 – Works (Opera Majora and Opera Minora)
Here is Part Two of our seven-part series of reflections on the life, influence, and philosophical foundations of the cosmology of Shaykh Aḥmad Ibn Zayniddīn al-Aḥsāʾī. This post focuses on the writings of the Shaykh, primarily his opera majora (larger works). Contents of the seven parts of this series: Life, Travels, Character and...
Read More“Become a shunner of your affairs” / «كن عن أمورك مُعرضا»
With respect to our ongoing series on Shaykh Aḥmad Ibn Zayniddīn al-Aḥsāʾī: One of our readers asked for the Arabic original of the two poems given by Imām Ḥasan (ʿA) to al-Awḥad. Here is a display version, in both JPG and PDF format. In WALAYAH Samawi UPDATE (April 17, 2015): As some of you have requested it, here is the raw utf-8 text that...
Read MoreShaykh Aḥmad Ibn Zayniddīn al-Aḥsāʾī: Part 1 – Life, Travels, Character and Charisma
A number of brothers and sisters have requested more information in English on Shaykh Aḥmad Ibn Zayniddīn al-Aḥsāʾī. This post constitutes the first in a seven-part series of reflections on the life, influence, and philosophical foundations of the cosmology of Shaykh Aḥmad. This series is based mostly upon a chapter this author has written, in...
Read MoreTowards an Objective Logic of the Categories of Faith and Science
One of the peculiar features of modern Western civilization is the conceptual divide between, on the one hand the category of religious faith, where knowledge is supposedly rare or impossible; and the category of scientific knowledge which, it is generally assumed, is the sole repository of true knowledge. This position is well-exemplified in theoretical...
Read MoreWalayah.org has reawakened.
Congratulations to all of our readers and subscribers on this, the first day of the Equinox. For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the first full day of Spring and Rebirth (in South Asia called Nawrūz, the first day of the New Year in the solar Islāmic calendar). After remaining dormant for exactly one full year, Walayah.org is now,...
Read MoreTowards the Nexus of ʿAql: A Note on Method
This is another followup to our first reflection on the Qurʾānic and AhlulBayti concept of ʿaql. In particular, we are moving towards a discussion of the use of the word ‘nexal’ to help in the translation of ‘ʿaql’ into English. First, a note on method. As mentioned in the reflection What is ʿAql? Towards a Nexal Consciousness, translation,...
Read MoreA Subtlety in the Relation of Ignorance to Consciousness
Wa Bismi Rabbi al-Husayn (S) In the previous post in the Reflection section we have begun a discussion of the Qurʾānic and AhlulBayti concept of ʿaql and ways to express that concept in English. Brother dhulfiqar110 made some points regarding Amir-Moezzi's “hiero-intelligence”; during the discussion a subtle and profound point in the science of the...
Read MoreWhat is ʿAql? Towards a Nexal Consciousness
One of the most important technical terms in the Qurʾān and in the traditions of the Family of the Prophet of Islam (S) is ‘ʿaql’. According to them, ʿaql is That by which Ał-Raḥmān is adored and served; and that by which the Gardens [of Paradise] are earned. It is unfortunately very common to translate the word ‘ʿaql’ by...
Read MoreBBM Channel for Walayah.org (Android, iPhone, and BlackBerry)
As part of the development of walayah.org into a mobile or online ḥusayniyyaḧ, we have just begun a BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) Channel for BlackBerry, Android, and iphone smartphones. For more on BBM Channels see, e.g., http://helpblog.blackberry.com/2013/11/getting-started-with-bbm-channels/ http://us.blackberry.com/bbm/bbm-channels.html The name of...
Read MoreOn the Historical Relevance of the Event of Ghadir
From the moment of its entrance into historical time, the event of Ghadīr has been the subject of much theological controversy among Muslims; that is a given. The historical reversion1 of a segment of the Muslim community to the Jāhliyyaḧ system in the wake of the event of al-Ghadīr marked the beginning of a polarization in the Muslim community that...
Read MoreTo revert, or not to revert, that is the question
The past few years have witnessed a movement of converts to Islam/Walāyah calling themselves “reverts.” The idea, I suppose, is to capture the notion that Islam/Walāyah is not something that one converts to but rather something one returns to. But choosing the word ‘revert’ is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Yes, the word...
Read MoreRules of the Ḥusayniyyah
This post is under development and is not in its final state Some rules Part of the purpose of this Ḥusayniyyah, especially the Meditations section, is to provide a forum for objective pursuit of some of the deeper and more multidimensional aspects of walāyah. Members should feel comfortable sharing ideas and insights with the comfort of knowing that...
Read MoreIntroducing Walayah.org
This post is under development and may not be in its final state Introducing Walayah.org It is a common saying, even a cliché, that Islam is the most misunderstood “religion.”1 Yet it is quite accurate, to the extent that one can argue that the essence of Islam remains a stranger to the world, even to many Muslims. As a comprehensive way of life Islam...
Read MoreIntroducing Ḥusayniyyaḧu ãl-Bayān
Bismi Rabbi ãl-Ḥusayn (Ṣ) The dialectic of walāyah involves Creation's multiple movements of receptivity and response to the single flow of Unconditional Loving of Allah captured in the divine proper name ‘Al-Raḥmān’. It is through this Walāyah from Allah to Creation that we receive life, energy and each of our opportunities to grow and...
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